Red Tegus

Sale Price:$299.00 Original Price:$350.00


Famously known for their striking appearance, red tegus are some of the largest lizards in South America, and have been known to reach lengths of up to 4.5 feet! These remarkable animals possess the incredible ability to recognize their owners, be trained, and can even become puppy dog tame, making them some of the most intelligent reptiles on the planet!

Combine this intelligence with their striking red color and a freakishly awesome ability to run on their hind legs, and you get your very own modern-day dinosaur!


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Famously known for their striking appearance, red tegus are some of the largest lizards in South America, and have been known to reach lengths of up to 4.5 feet! These remarkable animals possess the incredible ability to recognize their owners, be trained, and can even become puppy dog tame, making them some of the most intelligent reptiles on the planet!

Combine this intelligence with their striking red color and a freakishly awesome ability to run on their hind legs, and you get your very own modern-day dinosaur!



Famously known for their striking appearance, red tegus are some of the largest lizards in South America, and have been known to reach lengths of up to 4.5 feet! These remarkable animals possess the incredible ability to recognize their owners, be trained, and can even become puppy dog tame, making them some of the most intelligent reptiles on the planet!

Combine this intelligence with their striking red color and a freakishly awesome ability to run on their hind legs, and you get your very own modern-day dinosaur!


Additional Info:

Scientific Name: Tupinambis rufescens

Habitat: Forests, savannas, and shrublands of South America

Origin: Captive Bred

Current Diet: Feeder insects, chicken, eggs, quail, rodents, small mammals, fruits, and vegetables

Current Size: 8-10 inches

Lifespan: 15-20 years

Max Size: 3 - 4.5ft

Restricted States: Florida, Hawaii

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